Alaska West is uniquely located to enjoy both ocean-bright runs of kings, sockeye, chum and silver salmon, sea-run Dolly Varden, and aggressive leopard rainbows. All 5 species of Pacific Salmon pass in front of the camp. The river, its tributaries and braids give anglers access to some of the best sport fishing in the world. Guest may choose to fly or spin fish and all gear will be provided. Private lodge arranged flights to/from Quinhagak ensures a smooth entry/exit from the camp. This is a very comfortable tent camp. If you’re looking for a remote Ritz Carlton this is not the trip for you.
The lodge uses jet boats to access the fishing grounds. This is mostly wade fishing, but the boat may be used depending on the situation. Guides will customize your day to your liking. Chase big rainbows, chug poppers for salmon, swing for Kings, It’s your choice during your stay.
Guests stay in sturdy, heated tent cabins with a solid door, wood floors, and carpet. These can withstand any weather in Alaska. Each has 2 single beds, full bedding, and plenty of storage room for 2. A drying tent is used for wet gear. Showers/restrooms have hot/cold water. The camp has Wi-Fi.
9/10 wts. for kings, 8 wts. for silvers, 6/7 wts. for rainbows and dollies, and 5 wts. for pink salmon and grayling. The Kanektok has many small tribs in the upper sections that are accessed to fish for rainbows, dollies, and grayling. The diversity of the Kanektok keeps guests’ week interesting.
Guests fly commercial to Anchorage and overnight. A private charter departs early Sunday morning direct to Quinhagak. Upon arrival you will be picked up riverside and transported the short distance to the camp. The camp can provide all the fishing gear you will need for the week. Fish 6 full days from the Camp departing daily via jet boat. Different beats will be fished daily in pursuit of your species of choice. Guests will charter back to Anchorage the following Sunday arriving early afternoon. Connections homeward available this evening after 7 PM.
$7,750 per person/week. 6 days and 7 nights, Sun-Sun program. The camp can provide the fishing gear you will need included is fly/spin rods, lures, flies, and terminal tackle. Excludes private roundtrip charter flight (approx. $1,100 pp.), fishing license, alcohol, and gratuities.
Senior Program Manager
Specializes in Alaska and Canada fishing, South America fishing, and big game programs.
Director of Sporting Travel
Sr. company manager overseeing and participating in management and sales across the Frontiers sporting travel world