Argentina is one of the finest sporting destinations in the world. From the hills of Cordoba where you can shoot volume doves to the remote rivers of southern Patagonia, there is a destination to suit all your desires.
The wild and remote fishing of southern Argentina is stuff of legends. From the monster wild rainbow trout in Jurassic Lake to the hard fighting sea run brown trout of the Rio Grande, we have been there and done it. If you are interested in bagging a hard fighting Golden Dorado or hooking into a 30 lbs trout then get in touch and we can help you get one step closer to a fish of a life time.
Argentinas most famous shooting comes in the form of high volume doves based around the region of Cordoba. Aside from the epic dove shoots there is some fantastic sport to be had across the country from the wild duck shooting in the pampas to stalking a trophy red deer stag in the lake district of Patagonia. At Frontiers we have the contacts and the knowledge to create the dream bird shooting or big game package in Argentina.
Ask The Expert

Senior Program Manager
Specializes in Alaska and Canada fishing, South America fishing, and big game programs.

Senior Program Manager
Specializes in South America, Mexico, and Iceland fishing programs.

Director of Sporting Travel
Sr. company manager overseeing and participating in management and sales across the Frontiers sporting travel world

Senior Program Manager
Specializes in South America wingshooting and Mongolia fishing programs.

Estancia Arroyo Verde
Clear water stalk-style fishing near San Carlos de Bariloche, Northern Patagonia
Estancia Laguna Verde
Goliath rainbow trout in Santa Cruz Province, Southern Patagonia, Argentina
Estancia Quemquemtreu
A traditional working estancia featuring vast stretches of the Collon Cura River
Estancia Tipiliuke
Walk and wade the famous Chimehuin River surrounded by extraordinary luxury
Hosteria San Huberto
Prolific hatches and pods of feeding trout under the shadow of the Lanin Volcano
Hosteria San Huberto
Prolific hatches and pods of feeding trout under the shadow of the Lanin Volcano
Kau Tapen Lodge
The first and absolutely foremost lodge on the Rio Grande, Tierra del Fuego
Limay River Lodge
Prolific tailwater trout fishing in Northern Patagonia, Neuquén Province
Pira Lodge
Stalking golden dorado on the fly in the vast Ibera Marsh, Corrientes, Argentina
Estancia Tecka
Diverse trout fishing on one of the largest uninterrupted Patagonia estancias
Villa Maria Lodge
Sea run brown trout on the exclusive Lower Rio Grande-Tierra del Fuego
AK Hunts - Big Game
Free range stag; lake district of Patagonia, Rio Negro Province, Argentina
Cordoba Lodge
Cordoba Lodge - The best value high volume dove shooting in Argentina
El Monte Lodge
Fantastic high volume shooting and service in a relaxed family atmosphere
Estancia Santa Rita
Migratory ducks over decoys from dry blinds & more with Patagonia Outfitters
Jacana Lodge
Decoyed ducks and 5-star accommodation in famous Lincoln, Buenos Aires Province
La Dormida Lodge
Offers year-round dove shooting at a small venue in Córdoba Province, Argentina
Los Crestones Lodge
Mixed bag shooting less than 2 hours from the heart of Buenos Aires, Argentina
La Torcaza Lodge
Decoyed pigeons easily combined with volume Cordoba dove shooting
Pica Zuro Lodge
The lodge that started it all; the first in Cordoba Province, Argentina
Rincon de Luna - Big Game
Trophy stag and exotic species in the Calamuchitas Valley; southwest of Cordoba
River Plate Wingshooting - Entre Rios
Argentina’s best duck and dove combos located only 3 hours from Buenos Aires
Delta Lodge
Unspoiled golden dorado fishing and eco-lodge under the Buenos Aries skyline
River Plate Wingshooting – 5 Feather Program
Mixed-bag hunt from 2 classic estancias in La Pampa and Buenos Aires provinces
Red Stag Tupungato - Big Game
Red deer in Argentina’s wine country. Hunt in the shadows of Mt. Tupungato
Parana River Outfitters - A Nervous Waters Collaboration
Monster Parana River Dorado an Ideal Cast and Blast Opportunity in Argentina
Tuku Lodge
Extraordinary Volume Pigeon and Dove Shooting in Scenic Salta Province
Suinda Lodge
Golden Dorado River Cruiser
Luxury Golden Dorado fly-fishing Mothership on the Lower Paraná River, Argentina
Collón Curá Lodge
Quick access to the mighty Collón Curá River from Bariloche or San Martin
Tres Rios Lodge
A Secluded Trout Fishery Near the Confluence of the Chimehuin and Collón Curá
Estancia Pilo Lil
La Fario Lodge - An Argentina Waters Property
Sight Fishing at its best in the Lakes Region
Northern Patagonia Lodge
Superb river and lake fishing for brown and rainbow trout
Tucumán Lodge
Tucumán Lodge is a new dove hunting operation with 120,000 acres of shooting.
Don Joaquin River Lodge
Luxury dorado fishing lodge on the banks of the Corriente River
Patagonia River Ranch
A water-front guest ranch situated on the banks of the fabled Chimehuin River
Bella Sofia Lodge
Sea Run Brown Trout & Spring Creek fishing all on one famous Argentine Estancia
Santiago del Estero
New high volume dove shooting lodge in quiet rural area north of Cordoba
Casa Quilquihue
Private Lodge Paradise in Argentine Patagonia