
Bird Hunters Africa

Rock pigeon shooting in South Africa combined with great accommodation

Pigeons are considered by many to be one of the top sporting birds. They are fast, agile, wild and have exceptional eyesight, these attributes combine to create a very challenging bird to shoot. If you want to shoot high volume numbers then there is no place better than South Africa. Every day is literally a red letter day. If you want proper high volume then our dove shootings lodges will most likely appeal more. If you want high volume combined with some very challenging shooting then look no further than rock pigeon shooting in South Africa.


Rock pigeons are one of the fastest game birds out there. Their speed combined with their African hardiness makes for some truly spectacular shooting. Hugging the ground or sailing overhead they are going to test the most experienced shots.


The Tredenham Boutique Hotel is a small 10 bedroom hotel on the outskirts of Bloemfontein, in the secure Tredenham Valley development. The hotel offers gourmet cuisine, spacious and comfortable rooms as well as other facilities which include a pool, a gym and spa treatments.


Rental guns are available. All you need to bring is some hearing protection, a shoulder pad, some decent leather shooting gloves, drab clothing and some comfortable walking boots.

Trip Specifics

The trips are tailored to your specifics but the ideal length of time is four to five days of shooting. Groups should be 4 to 8 people in size. Guests fly into Johannesburg and then either take a transfer or fly on to Bloemfontein where they will be met by Bird Hunters Africa. From there, guests will be transferred to the Tredenham Hotel. The daily timings will vary depending on how the birds are flying but typically guests will enjoy a morning flight and an afternoon flight with a break in the middle for lunch. Guests should expect to shoot in the region of 200 to 500+ cartridges per day.


The 2019/20 daily rate is: $750 per day. Extras include cartridges $15 per box, Tips and flights. Transfers, meals and alcoholic beverages are included within reason.

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Rock pigeon shooting in South Africa
Pigeon shooting in South Africa
Bird Hunters Africa
Bird Hunters Africa
Bird Hunters Africa
Bird Hunters Africa
Bird Hunters Africa
Bird Hunters Africa
Bird Hunters Africa
Rock pigeon shooting in South Africa
Bird Hunters Africa
Bird Hunters Africa
Bird Hunters Africa
Bird Hunters Africa
Bird Hunters Africa
Bird Hunters Africa
Bird Hunters Africa
Bird Hunters Africa
Bird Hunters Africa
Bird Hunters Africa
Bird Hunters Africa
Bird Hunters Africa


Pigeon Shooting in South Africa
Richard Scrope

About Pigeon shooting in South Africa
Richard Scrope