

A country of magnificent beauty and vast unpopulated expanses challenged only by its species diversity from coast to coast.

Wild fish in wild country is perhaps the best way to describe the fly fishing in BC. The season starts with the wildest fish of them all, the mint-bright spring steelhead. Soon to follow are the King or Chinook salmon which can certainly break 90lbs and have been known to break 100lbs. If you try for these you will need 600+ yards of backing but oh what an experience! Soon the other pacific salmon come and after them the autumn steelhead begin to run and the famous rivers such as the Skeena, Nass, Bulkley, Kispiox, Sustut, Babine, Dean and Damdochax fill with steelhead causing many to make their pilgrimage to these stunning waters to try their luck. We know it all well so please feel welcome to seek our advice.

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UK Managing Director

Director of Sporting Travel

Sr. company manager overseeing and participating in management and sales across the Frontiers sporting travel world

Senior Program Manager

Specializes in Alaska and Canada fishing, South America fishing, and big game programs.


Steelhead Valhalla Lodge


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Scott Lake Lodge

One of the best pike and lake trout waters in North America on the 60th Parallel

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Andres FlyFishing

Trout fishing the remote southeast corner of BC and Eastern Alberta

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Bear Claw Lodge

A Fine lodge in the heart of steelhead country on the Kispiox river

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Skeena Spey Riverside Wilderness and Lodge

Catch mint bright huge Kings and steelhead with top guides from a superb lodge

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Salmon and Steelhead of BC Advisory Service

Ask us for advice on the myriad of lodges, camps and guides in British Columbia

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Trout Creek Lodge

Bulkley and Skeena River steelhead fishing from a river front private property

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Igloo Lake Lodge

Brook Trout Nirvana in Remote Labrador with Fly Out Atlantic Salmon and Char

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Brooks Creek Ranch

Reliable dry fly fishing, opportunities for bull trout, luxurious, and scenic

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Flowers River Lodge

The magical world of Atlantic salmon on a dead drift dry fly!

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Brooks Creek Ranch, July 2025

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